Been Awhile

For those of you who are continuing to follow our blog and support us, we are deploy grateful.

We know it has been months since either of us posted.  A big part of it is…it is very difficult, especially for Ash, to open up and share some of her history.  It is also heart wrenching to hear and know what she has been through.  So, while we want to help, it has to be on Ashley’s timeline.

She is in a very good place right now.  Ash continues to help others in recovery, attends meetings, has a social life, and is thrilled with her skydiving adventures.  I truly have never seen such joy in her as when she is jumping out of an airplane at 10,000 plus feet!

While there has been much trauma in her life, and that of my family, I can assure you there is life for all of us as Ash continues with her recovery.  The fact that a relapse can occur at any time does not drive our lives.  We choose to concentrate on all that is right with our world F2EC02D3-8D90-4D49-BD72-A29DFD9787F1and the blessings we have each day.

So, until we figure out our next steps, thank you for hanging in there with us.

We are still here to answer questions and share our experiences and have been glad to do so with those who have contacted us privately.  If you have an addict in your life, no matter what the addiction, there is hope.

One day at a time.

2 thoughts on “Been Awhile

  1. I am so happy to see this post. I have been a bit concerned by the silence, but have been praying for her daily. Please know that she will always be the daughter of my heart.


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